Tampering with, or destroying evidence during a criminal investigation in Singapore is a serious matter, as it can undermine the integrity of the legal system, and impede the administration of justice.
In the final part of our explanation on the Extradition Act, we detail the process of extradition to Singapore.
In the second part of our explanation on the Extradition Act, we look at what happens when there is no treaty or arrangement.
What is the Extradition Act and how does it work in Singapore? Here is Part 1 of our explanation.
To conclude our series on Criminal Law definitions, we look at the remaining general defences.
In Part 4 of our Criminal Law series, we take a look at some of the general defences.
In Part 3, we find out what the different kinds of intent are in Criminal Law.
Part 2 of Amarjit Singh Sidhu’s explanation of what criminal law is.
What exactly is criminal law? Amarjit Singh Sidhu explains.