Under Singapore law, it is the duty of a parent to maintain, or at least contribute to the maintenance of his or her child, unless an agreement
If you’re a Singaporean woman, it is important to understand the rights that you have under the Women’s Charter. This law, which was first enacted in 1961, provides legal protection for women and children in Singapore.
Tampering with, or destroying evidence during a criminal investigation in Singapore is a serious matter, as it can undermine the integrity of the legal system, and impede the administration of justice.
The consequences of wasting the court’s time and resources affect not only lawyers but also our clients. Therefore, it’s important to know what some of these actions are and why they should be avoided.
Depending on the crime, and whether its an arrestable offence or not, there are usually four steps that begin right when the first information report is filed.
Rather than resorting to a divorce, there are alternative modes of separation in the event the marriage goes sour. Knowing all the legal options is extremely vital depending on the situation of your marriage.
If someone threatens to inflict bodily injury, property damage, or damage to your reputation, such a threat may amount to criminal intimidation.
A compensation order allows you or your representative to recover compensation without having to sue for it. This is especially useful in cases where suing might be an inadequate or impractical course of action.
Defamation occurs when someone publishes a statement that diminishes the subject’s standing in the eyes of third parties.
Sham marriages are also known as marriages of convenience, meant to skirt around legal loopholes.