If you have reached the stage where attempts to salvage your marriage have failed and divorce seems to be the only logical course of action, then this simple guide will show you what you need to know, and the steps you need to take throughout the process.

Know What You’re Getting Yourself Into 

Just as with every life-changing decision, it’s always best to properly think it though, conduct relevant research on the requirements and processes and ask yourself a few questions such as:

  • Am I able to divorce in Singapore?
  • What reasons do I need for this divorce?
  • What are the considerations for our child’s custody?
  • How do we split up our matrimonial property?
  • Is this going to be contested or uncontested?

At this point, if you’re already clear or still a little unsure, it’s time to proceed to the next step.

Speak to the Right Divorce Lawyer

In the event that you are unsure, this is the time to speak to the right divorce lawyer who will be able to provide you with clearer options towards your next course of action. During this consultation, you may ask questions pertaining to the legal processes, costs involved and also clarification on property and child custody matters.

Finding the right divorce lawyer means understanding the different kinds of divorce lawyers and how they work. Generally, they are:

Divorce law firm – Usually consisting of a lawyer working with several lawyer associates, law firms tend to have a more polished look as they generally spend more on marketing. They are also more open to providing free first consultations and they are structured to handle multiple cases at a time. This also means, there is a chance your case might be handed down from a senior to a junior lawyer if that might be an issue to you.

Solo divorce lawyer – This lawyer will personally handle your case because he/she usually works alone. Some may have a secretary. Solo lawyers usually have a firm in their name, or will be part of a small law firm as a partner and will never market themselves giving free consultations as the workload may get too overwhelming for a single lawyer. Single lawyers also may charge a small fee for a first consultation, usually to ensure commitment from the client. Most solo lawyers charge reasonable rates.

High net-worth divorce lawyer – This lawyer is usually affiliated with a larger law firm or has a strong track record in contentious cases. The high net-worth divorce lawyer generally works with clients from the upper percentiles of the income bracket so therefore, the deposite and the fees can be high.

How Do You Find The Right Divorce Lawyer?

There are a few methods you can use to find the right lawyer for your case, both online and offline. 

  • Old fashioned word-of-mouth – It is usually most comforting to work with someone who has been recommended by your friend or loved one. To take it on step further, you may create a shortlist of lawyers you have collected, and then research them individually to make sure they provide the specific service you’re looking for.
  • Online Directories – Google searches will generally provide you with a list of lawyers, law firms and third-party directories that allow you to fine-tune your search to find the lawyer you’re looking for. However, a quick tip: certain online advertisements may show rates that seem too good to be true but depending on the case, the rates may vary.
  • Websites and Social Media – Some law firms and lawyers have both a website, and a Facebook page. In some cases, Their website also doubles up as a resource library for basic legal advice and can be found being shared on social media.

Ultimately, you want a lawyer who can listen and empathise with you and provide you with the best solution or advice under a reasonable agreement. After you have found the lawyer or law firm you’re looking for, you may contact them.

Getting a Divorce Lawyer in Singapore

Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu of Amarjit Sidhu Law Practice has represented numerous clients in a wide variety of matters over the years from domestic violence, spousal and child maintenance; family disputes to high-profile divorce; care and control and custody issues, relocation and child abduction. There is a Team of 4 experienced lawyers in the Firm. With a vast knowledge of Singapore’s laws and a wealth of experience, Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu will be able to provide valuable and timely advice for your situation. For more information, feel free to contact us for a consultation.

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