Case reported in “The Straits Times” 10/6/2016

An Indian national, 37,  who is a Singapore PR, pleaded guilty to standing behind and rubbing himself repeatedly against a 21-year-old woman on the train travelling from City Hall to Bugis MRT station last year.

A court heard that the victim boarded the train at City Hall at about 6pm that day and was going to meet her boyfriend at Bugis.

As the train was crowded, she stood close to the middle of the cabin, which is where he then positioned himself behind her.

When she moved towards the train doors to distance herself, the accused then followed and kept rubbing himself against her buttocks.

When the train arrived at the Bugis MRT station, she told her boyfriend about the incident and they reported it to the SMRT staff.

Mr Amarjit said that client’s wife and his young daughter had been receiving financial help from the Ministry of Social and Family Development for quite some time.

Our client was deeply remorseful and felt that he had let his family, friends and most importantly, himself, down.

A second similar charge was taken into consideration in sentencing.

The unemployed man was jailed for nine weeks on the molestation charge. He could have been jailed for up to two years, fined, caned or received any combined punishment.


Case reported in “News Outlets” 26/4/2012 51 men have been charged with having commercial sex with an underage escort. These 51 men include a teacher, who is represented by Mr Amarjit

51 men have been charged with having commercial sex with an underage escort.

These 51 men include a teacher, who is represented by Mr Amarjit Singh.

The man had stumbled into the online vice ring when he came across the website of the pimp in 2010.

The pimp explicitly told the girls that they were to provide sexual services to customers. If they agreed, he would proceed to assign each woman a working moniker which would be uploaded on the website.

Customers who wanted to have sex with any of the escorts advertised would contact him via mobile phone listed on the website.

From the website, the man found the minor’s picture and a listing stating her age as 18. However, she was only 17 years old.

The man then arranged to have sex with her at a hotel and paid her $650 for a 90-minute session.

Defence counsel, Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu, stated in the mitigation that his client had been awarded a Public Service Commission scholarship in teaching in 1998. Furthermore, it was added that he had been an outstanding teacher since June 2006.

Mr Amarjit Singh was successful in getting a lower sentence for his client. The accused received a reduced sentence of a jail term of three months. He could have been jailed up to seven years and fined.

Ex-advertising Director jailed 12 months for sex with a minor

Reported in “The Straits Times” 21/01/2014

The accused was charged with 2 counts of sexual penetration of a minor.

The minor chanced upon the accused’s profile on a website, which stated that he engaged in “bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism” (BDSM). He stated that he was looking for a submissive partner and the minor initiated contact with him. They both started communicating via e-mail and she revealed her true age to him. Within a week, the minor went to the accused’s flat and consented to the accused performing BDSM acts. They engaged in those acts again a month later.

Defence counsel Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu, stated in his mitigation that the accused was from a respectable family and he was deeply remorseful of his actions. Mr Amarjit was successful in receiving a reduced sentence for his client. The accused was sentenced to a jail term of 12 months. He could have been jailed for 10 years and fined.


Reported in “The New Paper” 02/05/2015.

The accused was a passenger on board British Airways on 3rd March.

While the plane was taxiing on the runway of Changi Airport, the accused started touching the female passenger next to him. The victim pushed him away but he continued to put his arm around her and tried to kiss her.

The flight returned back to the gate where two cops arrested the accused. He struggled with the officers and in the process, he kicked one of the officers on his left jaw and the other officer in his face. It was revealed that his blood contained 224mg of ethanol per 100ml.

Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu urged the judge to consider a fine to be imposed on our client. The fact that the accused had no prior antecedents in Singapore and in Australia was considered. The Deputy Public Prosecutor submitted a total sentence of between a three and four month’s jail term. Mr Amarjit was successful in attaining a more lenient sentence of 2 months and 3 weeks in jail for our client.

Vietnamese student, 22, jailed for taking upskirt videos

Reported 25 May 2015

SINGAPORE – A 22-year-old Vietnamese student was jailed for three weeks on Monday for taking upskirt videos of women.

Last September, he had stuck his Samsung Galaxy mobile phone under the skirts of women in busy public areas such as post offices and MRT stations and filmed them.

He was charged with four counts of insulting the modesty of these women, with two charges proceeded on.

He had been studying at a local university for two years, was arrested on Sept 16 last year when he took two videos of a Peruvian woman at a Pasir Panjang post office.

He had been there to post a parcel to his friend in Germany. In the queue, he spotted the victim, 27, found her attractive, and decided to film her.

The victim had been writing the address on a parcel when she felt a piece of plastic brushing against her leg.

His lawyer Amarjit Singh Sidhu said in mitigation that his client was a first-time offender, that he was remorseful, and that this would be his last brush with the law.

He added that he had an internship with a reputable company and would be starting an exchange programme on a Ministry tuition grant soon, and that a custodial sentence would deprive him of these opportunities.

Law prof who attacked cabby sentenced to 4 months’ jail, ordered to pay compensation – defended by Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu

Reported 26 June 2015 on Todayonline

SINGAPORE — For assaulting a taxi driver while drunk on Christmas Day in 2013, an assistant law professor was sentenced to four months in jail today (June 26) and ordered to pay compensation of $1500 to the 70 years old taxi-driver.

Tourist jailed for molest offences in hostels

Reported in the Straits Times 6 Sep 2013

SINGAPORE – An American tourist was sentenced to nine months in jail on Wednesday for insulting and outraging the modesty of five women at backpacker hostels. He preyed on his victims at four hostels between April and June while on a 90-day social visit pass to the Republic. Court documents showed that, among five charges, He had used his mobile phone to film a 23-year-old Chinese woman taking a shower on May 19. He had put his phone on top of the partition wall dividing an adjoining cubicle. Lawyer Amarjit Singh Sidhu told The Straits Times that the man had declined to be legally represented as he wanted to complete his sentence and return to his wife and two children in the Philippines. Mr Singh said he was present to conduct a “watching brief” for the US Embassy.

Man jailed 18 weeks for animal cruelty

Reported in the Straits Times Mar 14, 2017

He first threw a cat from the 10th floor of a block of flats in Tampines.

When he found that the cat was still alive, he slammed it on the ground to make sure that it died. He works as a supervisor in the food and beverage industry, was yesterday jailed for 18 weeks on two counts of animal cruelty on May 26 last year.

His lawyer, Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu, said the man was deeply remorseful for his actions and regretted mistreating the cat and causing its death.

In mitigation, he said the man was a first-time offender and was not likely to do it again as he was ashamed to have caused embarrassment to his family. He could have been fined up to $15,000 and/or jailed for up to 18 months on each charge.

Man jailed for filming family members bathing and colleagues in toilet

Reported in Yahoo News 14 June 2018

He filmed four of his family members bathing using a pinhole camera in the shape of a clothes hanger. He also took upskirt videos of his colleagues and videos of them in the toilet using a mobile phone. The man, who cannot be named to protect the victims’ identities, pleaded guilty to various offences in the State Courts on Thursday (14 June). He admitted to 12 charges in total – 10 of insulting the modesty of women, one charge of wrongful restraint, and one charge of possessing obscene films – and was sentenced to nine months and one week’s jail. Twenty-eight other charges of insulting modesty, criminal trespass, and possessing obscene films were taken into consideration. Of the 11 identified victims, seven were his colleagues. A number of the victims were unknown. The court documents didn’t specify the relationships between the man and his family members. The man’s lawyer, Amarjit Singh Sidhu, asked for leniency as his client had cooperated fully with investigations and did not upload the videos online.

Accounts executive jailed 7.5 years for fraud involving S$2.3 million
Reported on Channel News Asia on 21 June 2016

She had abused her position to forge cheques and misappropriate cash belonging to her employers. She pocketed S$2,376,641 from two employers over about three years. A 53-year-old woman who forged hundreds of cheques and misappropriated thousands of dollars in cash was sentenced to 7.5 years’ jail on Tuesday (Jun 21).
She, an accounts executive, had pocketed S$2,376,641 from two employers over about three years. She pleaded guilty to 40 out of 380 counts, the bulk of which were for cheque forgery. Her lawyer Amarjit Singh Sidhu said his client had been struggling financially because of a gambling addiction. The client, who is married with three children, was the main breadwinner of the family and also supported her brother and sister, who live with her, Mr Singh said. Her lawyer added that she is remorseful, and urged the court to show compassion “in light of her unfortunate and regrettable set of circumstances” at the time.

For forgery, she could have faced up to 15 years’ jail per charge, and ordered to pay a fine. Similarly, for criminal breach of trust, she could have been jailed up to 15 years per charge, and ordered to pay a fine.

Jail for Man who sexually penetrated a Minor
reported in the straits times on 3 July 2017

A 34-year-old who befriended a 13-year-old girl online in 2014 and got her to perform oral sex on him, was jailed for 13 months on Friday (June 30).

The student had consented to the act. The man who was then 32, had pleaded guilty to sexual penetration of a person below 16 years of age.

Sometime in 2014, he came to know the victim via an online platform. After chatting about sex, he asked to meet her so that she could perform fellatio on him. Prosecutor had asked for a sentence of 15 months to be imposed, but defence lawyer Amarjit Singh Sidhu said a sentence of 12 months’ jail would be appropriate. Counsel said his client had always been a law-abiding citizen before the incident, and is extremely remorseful for his actions. “He deeply regrets what he has done and the embarrassment that he has caused to his family,” he said. He could have been jailed for up to 20 years, fined or caned for the offence.

Prison officer convicted of molesting male inmate

Veteran prison officer convicted of repeatedly molesting inmate. When inmate protested, he said: ‘Officer sayang you’,

Reported in the new paper 25 June 2016

The prison officer of 27 years, was yesterday convicted on nine counts of outrage of modesty after an eight-day trial. The court heard that the man molested the inmate three times on Oct 16 by patting his right buttock and then rubbing his private parts. The man’s lawyer, Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu, earlier told the court that his client had denied committing any molest. Denying that the man had patted the inmate’s buttock on Oct 16, he said his client had instead tapped the side of the inmate’s hip to make him complete his work faster.

Mr Singh also said that the man had accidentally tapped the inmate’s groin area that day. “It is also highly unlikely and improbable that the accused, an experienced officer, would risk his career and life by doing the acts alleged under the very noses of his superiors, Mr Singh added. For each count of outrage of modesty, he can be jailed up to two years, fined, caned, or receive any combination of such punishments.

Two men jailed for separate cases of molestation

Reported in the straits time 31 Aug 2017.

A part-time waiter put his hand through a gap between the seats on a bus and touched a woman’s chest last year.

He was jailed for six months on Thursday (Aug 31), for outraging the modesty of the victim. Another similar charge was taken into consideration in sentencing. He committed his offence on the upper level of a double-decker bus on Aug 13 last year.

Initially, the 31-year-old victim did not pay much attention to it and thought it might have been her hair. But when she felt another touch on the side of her right breast, she turned around and saw the man, who retracted his hand, which had been next to the victim. His lawyer lawyer Amarjit Singh Sidhu said in mitigation that his client has adjustment disorder and had been to the Institute of Mental Health for consultation. The maximum penalty for outrage of modesty is two years’ jail, a fine, caning or any combined punishment.

Chilean trio jailed for theft in Singapore

Reported in the Santiago Times on 27 Nov 2017

SINGAPORE – A court in Singapore has sentenced three Chileans to jail for using criminal force and stealing cash from two men, local media reported on Monday.

Two of them – were each sentenced to 12 months’ jail for two counts of theft and one of using criminal force. Both have a few similar convictions back home.

The third, represented by Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu, was given eight months’ jail for the same offences. All three pleaded guilty, the Straits Times reported.

Jailed for raping teen in his car

The New Paper 25 Aug 2013

SINGAPORE – The girl was just 16 years old when he raped her in the backseat of his car in July 2010.

He had spotted the schoolgirl having sex with her boyfriend in another car and given her an ultimatum: Follow him or he would report them to the police for littering – for the tissues and condom that had been thrown out of their car. Following a six-day trial, the man was sentenced on Friday to 12 years jail and 12 strokes of the cane after the court found him guilty of three of four charges. The man , who was represented by lawyers Amarjit Singh Sidhu and Foo Cheow Ming, will be appealing against his conviction and sentence.

Our Criminal Lawyer, Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu, has defended numerous clients over the years over a wide variety of offences. With vast experience in Singapore’s laws, Mr Amarjit Singh Sidhu will be able to provide valuable and timely advice for your situation. For more information, or if you have been caught in a similar situation, feel free to contact us for a consultation.

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